Home Food & drinks Fonio Grain & It’s Benefits

Fonio Grain & It’s Benefits

Fonio Grain & It’s Benefits
Uncooked Fonio Grain in a Bowl

Fonio grain popularly referred to in Nigeria as Acha or hungry rice, it is a grain that is very popular and grown mostly in the northern and middle belt of Nigeria. This grain comes in two forms; the white fonio and the millet fonio or brown fonio or we can say the white fonio and the fonio millet.

Uncooked Fonio Grain in a Bowl

Fonio grain is healthy for the whole household, but what particularly gives it it’s popularity is the health benefits it offers diabetic patients as it is rich in insulin which helps in controlling sugar level. It has very high protein content, so if you’re on the part to lose some weight this is excellent for you.

Fonio grain also contains nutrients that aid iron metabolism which is very helpful for pregnant and lactating women. It is also used as weaning food foe babies.


Cooked fonio porridge

It aids digestion so basically it prevents constipation and stimulates appetite.

It strengthens the hair,nail and skin.

Fonio grain or acha is loved because it is very easy to prepare in less than 10minutes and ready to be consumed. It is one food ingredient that one can creatively play around with in your kitchen.

Raw uncooked fonio seeds with a spoon in a glass jar close up

The major set back of this grain is that the washing process takes time because you will have to ensure that it is free from sand and stone, because of how tiny the grains are, the washing is quite difficult.

Vegan salad with fonio and pomegranate, tahini dressing

Fonio grain can be served in different forms:
* As a pudding: very lovely and can be served with bread, akara, fried yam, potatoes or plantain, with fruits or just taken alone, basically anything that suits your interest.
* As a jollof, often times this ends up looking like couscous and is always very tasty.

Nigerian Fonio Acha supper grain porridge prepared with vegetables and fish – Gluten Free

* Stir fry, with the perfect vegetables you can do wonders with this.
* Can be served plain with any sauce of choice.
* As a pottage.
* As swallow with any soup of interest.
So when next you visit the market try to get Acha and try one of this at home. Is healthy and yummy.



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