Home Tourism & travel Kwatarkwashi Mountain And Landscape

Kwatarkwashi Mountain And Landscape

Kwatarkwashi Mountain And Landscape
Kwatarkwashi Mountain

Kwatarkwashi mountain is located in Kwatarkwashi, Zamfara state, Nigeria. The mountain is named after the town it is located in and the town is along Tsafe at Zaria road.

Kwatarkwashi Mountain And Landscape
The mountain is so magnificent  that it should be profiled in world record or list of heritage sites because of its height, length and beautiful natural views surrounding it. Part of all these characteristics makes it one of the longest mountain in West Africa.
Kwatarkwashi Mountain
There are many caves in the mountain where hundreds of people used to hide during battles or trouble in time past or days of old. In fact, the first inhabitants of Kwatarkwashi decided to settle around and at the foot of the rock because of the presence of the rock, believing the rock possessed great spirit. It is also important to note that people are not allowed to enter the caves anymore because of its unknown depth and for caution for the kind of wild animals and reptiles that might be there.

A Cave In Kwatarkwashi Mountain
The people of Kwatarkwashi once practised African traditional religion, part of which includes a person who was possessed with powerful spirit catching a life eagle from the top of the mountain or inside one of the caves where the eagles used to also stay in large numbers, although these eagles are no more in their large numbers in Kwatarkwashi mountain, and they are also rarely seen in the town,the eagle once caught was then presented to the leader of the community, after which it is killed and some of the body parts is then used for different purposes including medical purposes like the eye of the eagle which was believed back then to cure eye issues some of the community member might have.
Kwatarkwashi Mountain
A water spring which has remained clean since its existence and has also never dried up flows from the mountain.
Tourists at Kwatarkwashi Mountain
Part of the information used in this article was sourced from Oladayo Joseph Amusan who took a personal tour at Kwatarkwashi mountains in Zamfara state, Nigeria.
Article edited and complied by Jerome Sophia.
Photos/pictures  credit: Oladayo Joseph Amusan.
Twitter : @oladayo_amusan for Instagram :@oladayo_amusan


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