Home Food & drinks French Toast Recipes

French Toast Recipes

French Toast Recipes
French Toast

I do really enjoy eating French toast especially since it goes so well with a cup of strong black tea or coffee. French toast is so easy to make, it also saves food wastage because often times, the bread that is about to go bad but not yet bad or a stale bread, which might have been thrown away because it is no longer fresh. Stale bread have often times lost some moist or gone a bit dry unlike fresh bread which tends to soak up more oil when used for French toast recipes, this does not mean one cannot use fresh bread if one wants to regardless, there is no restrict rule to cooking often times.

French Toast Recipe

The bread does not have to be bought in slices or loaves, one can cut the bread or slice the bread according to one’s preference.

The ideal behind French toast is dipping bread in whisked egg and frying it. French toast likes shallow frying,the oil or butter in the pan should be as little possible or just enough to fry it.

Bread dipped in whisked egg to make French Toast
Bread dipped in whisked egg to make French Toast

Regular French Toast Recipe
1. Loaves or slice of bread or any bread of your choice
2. Eggs
3. Milk (optional)
4. Vanilla Flavor or essence (optional)
5. Butter or oil for frying the bread

              Making French Toast
i. Whish the egg, milk and flavor together or whisk just the egg alone if you are just using whisked eggs alone. Using just whisked eggs alone will still give one a fine French toast, I often use whisked eggs alone
ii. Dip the bread in the whisked egg or whisked egg mix.
iii. Use either butter or oil to fry sides of the bread dipped in the whisked egg.

Bread been fried in oil to make French Toast
Bread been fried in oil to make French Toast

Funky French Toast Recipe
Any type of flavor can be added when whisking the eggs, like butterscotch, pineapple, banana, strawberry, almond, & chocolate flavor.

Spicy French Toast Recipe
Grinded dried pepper particularly chilli or white pepper can be used in trench toast recipe. Grounded dried ginger or cardamom can also be used in French toast recipe to give it a spicy taste.

French Toast Recipes
French Toast Recipes

Nutmeg French Toast Recipe
Personally I often love to add fresh grated nutmeg in making my French toast. It can actually be added to any French toast recipe.

Aside for tea and coffee, French toast goes so well with custard and oatmeal


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