Home Food & drinks 7 Food Tips For Menstrual Flow

7 Food Tips For Menstrual Flow

7 Food Tips For Menstrual Flow

We know how tough it can be for some ladies during menstrual flow, for others,it is almost like a regular day except for the discomfort of wearing a pad & maybe pimples outbreak for that period of menstrual flow.

I would be giving food tips to help with menstrual flow pain & discomfort. These tips might help some ladies, for other ladies it might not but you can only study your body to try to see what works for you. For instance, I know a friend who has to take lots of sugary stuff particular bottles of coke to avoid pain during her menstrual flow; weird right? I find it really strange but it does work for her. So here are the 5 tips to help with menstrual discomfort below.

1. Caffeine: It is best to avoid highly caffeinated drinks like coffee, black tea, energy drinks, & carbonated drinks.

A cup of ginger tea and Fresh ginger root on rustic wooden background

2. Ginger Tea: Ginger tea made with real ginger root & not flavoured ginger tea or instant ginger tea that is filled with a lot sugar or sweetener helps with menstrual pain, & discomfort.

3. Dark Chocolate: dark Chocolate & pure hot cocoa powder drink tends to make one feel better which can also be partly attributed to the magnesium & iron nutrients it contains or maybe the feel good feeling cocoa gives.

Dark chocolate,cocoa nibs & cocoa pods

4. Iron meals & blood tonic: During a lady’s menstrual flow, a lot of iron can get lost through the blood flows out of the lady’s system. Sometimes one might notice one’s self getting weak or weak during or after one’s monthly menstrual flow. Eat food rich in iron like beef liver, unripe plantain, green vegetables, kidney beans, dark chocolates,boiled eggs, fruits like cashew & beetroot. Some nuts are also great source of iron.
One can also take blood tonic supplement in addition to eating food rich in iron.

5. Camomile Tea: This tea helps to calm the nerve, it is a relaxant & sleep inducing tea,it might help one feel better during menstrual discomfort.

6.Banana: Aside from having lots of beneficially vitamins & nutrient,banana greatly helps in energizing the food & giving the push one might need during menstrual flow.

7.Rose tea is another tea that helps one with menstrual discomfort.


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