Home Food & drinks Tigernut, Coconut & Dates Juice;A Sexual Drink?

Tigernut, Coconut & Dates Juice;A Sexual Drink?

Tigernut, Coconut & Dates Juice;A Sexual Drink?
Tiger nut, dates & coconut milk

Tigernuts, coconut, & dates juice! I have been hearing a lot about this magic juice, & decided to try it out by getting the three & blending it in a food processor to make a juice. It does really taste great,it is creamy, delicious & sweet.


Do you know the juice combination of tigernuts, coconut & dates is an aphrodisiac that increases libido for both men & women particularly for men.
Further findings from people also says it helps with low sperm count,watery sperm & quick ejaculation, these findings also came from my Facebook page & various Facebook groups I am on, where I asked people to testify if truly it was a sexual enhancement juice, a lot of people agreed it was,some even gave personal account of how this juice combination has been of great help to them sexually,others call it the fertility drink.

Tiger nut, dates & coconut juice

It is also a very good relaxant, it does calm one down even when still giving strength partly because of the sugar content from date, & milky essence from the tigernut & coconut.


One of the main source of calcium is milk, & of course calcium helps in strengthen the bone & giving vitality.
It is also important to note that plant based milk like milk gotten from coconut & tigernut are far better & healthier than milk gotten from animals.


This juice combination is also great for nursing or breast feeding mothers as it increases breast milk production which in turns helps with breastfeeding.

This drink is also great for the skin.


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