Home Food & drinks Eliot Hodgkin

Eliot Hodgkin

Eliot Hodgkin
A picture of different food,fruits & flowers painted by Eliot Hodgkin in 1950, September

Eliot Hodgkin was an English Painter who lived from 19th June,1905 to May 1987.
He studied at Byam School of Arts,as well as Royal Academy School.

Eliot Hodgkin
A picture of Eliot Hodgkin,the English painter

As a food lover or foodie or if one is in the food world;Chef, Cook, restauranteur,gardener,farmer,herbalist, you can’t but love Eliot Hodgkin or at least his life time work of drawings and paintings because most of what Eliot Hodgkin painted in his lifetime were still life of fruits,flowers,plants and food in a beautiful unique depictions.

Eliot Hodgkin. September,1950

These paintings were mostly either in tempera or oil paintings.

Eliot Hodgkin. 1958, December.

He liked to bring the delicate beauty of things & natural objects that was a part of human day to day life and necessity.
In his words, “What I want to paint are things that have been seen do often that people no longer notice them”.

Eliot Hodgkin. 1957

His career started of as a mural painter & fashion illustrator,in that period he published a book. In 1920s, Hodgkin began oil painting, in 1937,he started painting in tempera.

Eliot Hodgkin. May,1956.

By the middle 30, he was known as a painter of still lives and landscape. He showcased his works in various galleries particularly in Royal Academy.

A picture of different food,fruits & flowers painted by Eliot Hodgkin in 1950, September

In 1979, Eliot Hodgkin stopped painting because of a bad eye sight issue he started having towards the ending of his life.

These are just the very few digital picture or representation of Eliot Hodgkin paintings/drawing in his life time. Please do check online & the official Eliot Hodgkin official website to view many of his various amazing beautiful paintings/drawing.


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