Home Tea Sweet Black Tea & Flavors To Start A Sugar free & Milkfree Tea Journey With

Sweet Black Tea & Flavors To Start A Sugar free & Milkfree Tea Journey With

Sweet Black Tea & Flavors To Start A Sugar free & Milkfree Tea Journey With

Personally I believe tea should be drank and enjoyed without the addition of milk or sugar or even both. I believe people should familiarize themselves with the authentic taste of tea either flavored or unflavored without having to add milk or sugar, it is a pleasurable pursuit to drink or enjoy tea that way. Although it might not be easy when someone just starts to take tea without any addition of milk or sugar or whatever can make it sweet. The great news is that there are many tea brands that make quality nice tasteful tea either unflavored or flavored teas.

A cup of black tea without milk & sugar

I made a list of tea & some tea flavors you can start with to sail on that journey of milk free & sugar free black tea drinking. Some of these flavors are also in other types of tea.

1. Darjeeling Tea: It is not called the champagne of tea for nothing. It is usually golden coloured, light, delicate, & mostly with a flowery note or fruit note that comes with the tea itself without it been flavored.

2. Caramel: When one hears or sees it’s caramel flavored, just know it will be a very pleasant & very sweet tea.

3. Berries or Mixed Berries: Any tea that is flavored with any of the berries or a combination of the berries is definitely a fruity & sweet tea; strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, red or black currant, and other berries you can think of.


4. Peach: Peach flavored tea is always a sweet tea. I am yet to try a blend of tea with peach flavor that is not sweet.

5. Cocktail or Mixed Fruit

6. Cinnamon

7. Cherry

8. Vanilla: There is always a creamy & subtle sweet taste to this tea.

Tender vanilla flower and dry vanilla pods.

9. Forest Fruit: It usually fruity & sweet, it could become an addictive flavor of black tea you never want to lose stock of. Forest fruits are fruits that are easily gotten or found in the wild or bush and grows well on its own; citrus fruits, wild berries, pineapple, apple,mango etc.

Some types of Forest Fruits

10. Honey


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